Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Focusing again on the Muslim world--come on, get happy!

I haven't been ignoring the recent developments in #Egypt, with 3 Al Jazeera reporters (one, a former BBC correspondent) on "trial", but it so happens that today's news reports are about Muslims in Washington gathering to put on a glad face for all cameras.  This event has been circulating on Twitter and celebrated in particular by @Park51, aka "Ground Zero Mosque".

I also heard back from a Cairo friend I was worried about; she said her account was hacked, but she's still with Radio Cairo. Whew, sez I, with great relief.

Al Arabia does an excellent analyses of the complications of treating Al Jazeera as just another independent media outlet because it is an organ of the Qatar government.
Al Arabia article about Qatar's regional support of The Brotherhood

Nothing is ever as simple as it looks, or as powers that be want them to look.

Live Egypt blog, Al Jazeera English
Journalism Under Fire-- #Free AJ Staff--Al Jazeera
American helicopters shipped to Egypt--Washington Institute

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