Wednesday, January 08, 2014

PEGASYS assault by one-man wrecking ball Vanhooser continues

The commissioners of the City of Enid conducted a study session on the future of PEGASYS and like all previous study sessions, the timing was bad insofar as my ability to work it into my schedule...but I wish I had attended the Commission meeting yesterday because it looks like what Vanhooser is shooting for is a government take-over of a private non-profit organization, which he has previously stated should, in his view, be making its own money.  This man clearly has no clue as to what the definition of "non-profit" is and if he's that illiterate, I have serious questions as to his abilities as a doctor, too.

I further question how he got elected, insofar as I wonder if his supporters even realized that this man, clearly in favor of the city government running its own Pravda, knew that they'd be getting such an ardent advocate of communism representing their American ward.

What amazes me further is how much pro-communism Eric Benson has turned out to be, in his statement in favor of city expenditures toward such a Pravda that Vanhooser wants to turn PEGASYS into.

Part of the front page of today's Enid News & Eagle but the story doesn't appear on the front page of the paper's website (that figures).  That story is HERE

Want to contact your wardsman and/or the mayor online via the City website?  Good luck with that...

Can you say "despotic dictatorship"?  Yeah, that's a communist concept, too.

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