Monday, September 30, 2013

Celebrating kindred spirits, known and unknown

I went to a reception for a celebrated watercolorist/collage-ist at Northern Oklahoma Collage this evening, looked at the artwork he produced (which included acrylic, as it happens, but that's done with water, too, sorta) and a speech at the end.  He said that one of his favorite art subjects, especially in Oklahoma, were all the derelict homes and barns one finds while driving around in the countryside.  He said that all these old buildings had stories, and they talk to him. Well, well, well--that's part of what makes me a time traveler, exploring history  that isn't in books. If you look at my profile description, you'll see that architecture is part and parcel of my jaunts into time of the past.

 Jim Bray at his exhibit, "Vanishing Landscapes"

People who share an interest in common are labeled by professionals as "demographics" (yes, they call other things demographics as well, but that's not the point), but people who hear buildings talk aren't of commercial demographic interest, I'm sure, but I see them as special people all the same...

I don't know this guy from Adam and yet a connection was made, via the art.  And I know I wasn't alone in that, either.  Also in attendance was Tom Boepple, Enid's official greeting card watercolorist.  If I remember correctly, Bray was Boepple's instructor many moons ago.  I was happy enough to chat with Tom, at least.  Not only buildings talk to Tom, I knew, but also old abandoned farm machinery and assorted vintage tin, as it were.

The ever-amiable Tom Boepple & somebody
Actual contact with kindred spirits don't always work out, but this was one that did, and still does. Sorely wish that they all could.

(The above tune is associated with an old mansion--Collinwood.  Rather appropriate for October...Dark Shadows.)

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