Friday, January 22, 2016

A Valentine twist on an old bromide: would you rather be loved or be right?

The old saw runs "would you rather be happy or be right?" as if those choices are mutually exclusive, which infers that the greatest investigative reporters are necessarily unhappy.  Not buying that one.  Being right means having credibility currency that translates into reliability, so now ask yourself--of all the friends that make you happy, how many can you say are reliable?

I bother to do fact checking, which is more than I can say for the Enid News & Eagle regarding the BS they're spreading about the Enid Public Schools bond coming up for a vote--they just parrot what the superintendent says as if it's biblical fact and fact checking doesn't even extend to reading their own damn paper (the 2014 issue earlier cited in other posts, et al). But if the saying's presumed premise is true, then it's undoubtedly the case that the ENE reporters are the happiest people on the planet.

Among my friends and fans, I am loved because I make a point of being right--which makes me more reliable than any other friend they have...and that, friends & neighbors, is what makes me happy.

{drops mic}

Saturday mini-UPDATE: Something rather apropos to this topic about the accuracy of being right came down the pike on Facebook. So apt on so many levels that it made me smile...

Oh HA. Fielding a question that I hear repeated periodically: If I find so much out of whack with Enid, why am I here?  Why am I still here? There happens to be a Doctor Who episode that has the perfect answer to that, and it's the one with Idris and House in it.

I'm here at this time because I need to be.  And that's all you need to know.

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