Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Enid's Paper Makes Addition to Stack of Meddling Evidence Today

Yesterday was President's Day, a holiday, and typically when the City Commission meets in the same week as a holiday Monday, the meeting takes place on a Thursday. Thus says the City website, as it happens...

The newspaper, on the other hand, wants concerned citizens to show up on a different date, per today's edition...

In addition to that are the figures reported by the newspaper on voter turnout in its February 15 issue, reporting that "Precinct 208 No votes were taken in this precinct", and that the votes Milton Mitchell got in Precinct 204--a Ward 5 precinct-- were 116. I got 144 votes. This and other evidence will be submitted to the ACLU, as well as the newspaper's new parent company. Why? Because as a candidate who lost, AND as a volunteer for the Mitchell campaign in my Ward 5 canvassing, I have legal standing in that matter.


Well, I'm back from City Hall where I was standing, camera in hand, to see how many people believed the newspaper's fake news. When I arrived there was only one car in the parking lot, and that was the car of the gal who sits behind the welcome desk.  And then a white van drives up, and guess who steps out to make a beeline for the Study Session chamber?

The brilliant commercial pipeline engineer and previous Commissioner, Stallings, being a total noob falling for what the paper prints.  I'm still laughing my ass off.

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